A Burden Shared is a Burden Lifted
This work was made for the Rockelmann & gallery show in Berlin Germany. It was planned and the smaller supplies were brought from home, and then the work itself was executed inside the gallery the week before the show. The gallery was a temporary studio. The piece was made with only a plastic sheet under it and was hoisted into place. It has reinforcing hardware cloth inside of it, and is otherwsie all the leftover material from the other works made on site. The materials i choose to use in my work are found, abundant, humble, or culled from the throw away society that has sprung up around us, because of us. I tend to like materials made from earth– ceramics, plasters, glass and materials made from plants– paper, wood and well, plants. I tend to make work that is occupiable, or that has a very strong sense of entrance. My work sometimes requests that the viewer make themselves smaller or braver to enter. I create spaces occupiable by the imagination. I like to encourage circumnavigation, strange postures, and a certain feeling of getting away with something. With the piece A Burden Shared is a Burden Lifted i am attempting to create something that elicits both desire and trepidation. It is a piece in which i ask many tiny threads to do the work of holding up a heavy plaster casting. Each thread has its own claim on this landscape, and each is pulled taut by the pressure, but together they succeed in keeping it from falling. The viewer is possibly tempted to occupy the space underneath the work, and considers trusting the multiplied efforts of the small strands.